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Join Coup to help startups realize their visions

Coup strives to provide every company the freedom to innovate

Our values



Our customer's success is our success



We take initiative and embrace ownership



We welcome and benefit from other's perspectives



We learn long and prosper; we celebrate progress



We take our work serious, ourselves not so much

Team Coup plays table tennis

What we offer


Freedom of action

Have agency over how you want to help Coup



Take responsibility for processes or systems and help shape them



Be part of an experienced, highly-motivated team


Competitive compensation

A generous salary, flexible working hours, and top-notch tech equipment


Generous vacation

30 days of paid vacation

Open positions

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Get Couped verb
/get kup:d/

when a startup says yes to free money
  • They get Couped and receive €100,000 from the state
  • After getting Couped they have €200,000 more to spend on sales & marketing
  • Instead of raising another dilutive angel round to invest into R&D they decide to get Couped
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Holt euch 35% eurer R&D Kosten zurück:

Förderberatung ist keine Rechtsberatung gem. § 3 RDG und keine Hilfeleistung in Steuersachen gem. § 1 StBerG.